Week 1- Josie Sonnenberg

Week one was loaded with a lot of information. We had started the week with two days of the basic GreenStone intern orientation. We had spent 2 days working on going over the systems, websites, becoming familiar with the building, and networking with each other. We had orientation on Monday and Tuesday and we had gone out to High Caliber as an intern networking event on Monday to go axe throwing and play some games in the arcade together. We then had orientation on Tuesday and found our desks and where our office equipment is in our specific departments area. We had crop insurance 101 training and we had sat in on on Wednesday and Thursday and on Friday we had an office job where we were able to set up our desks and to make sure that our equipment was working properly. This was a great introduction week, but it was also a lot of information all at once that we had absorbed and had taken in to start out our internship and the entire program. I am excited for this summer and what all the GreenStone internship program has to provide me and for the opportunities that the crop insurance is also going to bring me as experiences as well.

Week 1 Blog – Van Attas – Wesley Dunn

This week I have been getting used to all of the new plant products that have been rolling in on semi-trucks. Each plant variety that has come off the trucks has been unique in how big they get, deer resistance, sunlight requirements, bloom times, and many other factors. I have been doing my best to learn about each individual plant variety and acclimate myself with the products we stock in order to help customers find a plant that fits their needs. There are easily over one hundred varieties of plants that I have seen so far and most of my time spent has been trying to memorize the qualities of each of them. One that I thought was particularly interesting was this Scotch Broom. It is a full sun plant ( 6 – 8 hours of direct sunlight), two to three feet tall, and is deer resistant. I thought this would be a cool plant to write my blog about because it is currently in bloom.

Week 10-PepsiCo Frito Lay

Interesting happenings during the week, situations or tasks encountered during the internship 

This week was our final week and for the majority of the time we got to just make our own schedule and do whatever we wanted to. We got to celebrate with all of the mangers at a really nice restaurant and then the next day I had scheduled a work with with Tyler Garrett who is the Kroger Key account manager. For the work with we got to visit the Indy 500 Kroger which was really big, we kinda got to speak to the head manager but he really didn’t have much interest in talking to us. We then headed over to the distribution center for a little bit and got food. After that we got to see one of my Kroger and looked at what needed to be fixed and what was good. Overall it went really well and there was only a few minor things that I had to fix before my internship officially ended. I also got the chance to complete some of my final one with one meetings with my RSR’s which was sad because this was the last time I would be talking to them. 

Interesting new learning’s during the week, situations or tasks encountered during the internship

This week being able to work with Tyler showed me a lot more of the insides of Kroger and what all goes into it. One thing he taught me was the importance of just simply adding a single dip shelf onto the ends caps. Just by doing this would bring Kroger overall so much more money just do to the confidence aspect of people walking by and seeing sales of the chips and then also wanting to by the dip with the chips. 

Interesting industry news or happenings that are relevant to the industry sector the student is working in

Some interesting news I learned this week was being able to get more insights on what sales are in Kroger and why certain products are chosen to be set for the end caps. After asking Tyler about this he then explained to me that it is chosen by the highest selling products so then they look to promote them even more by making them more visible and adding discounts to them. 

Career related articles pertaining to the industry you are working in · Pictures/photos of work-related activities with a description

Week 10- Sarah Votta

My final week at Farm Bureau Insurance was great. We presented our capstone projects in front of the board of directors along with different supervisors throughout the company. I presented via teams due to an emergency that brought me back home to Rhode Island. It was an amazing opportunity to present for the board and answer questions they had about the work I did and even just about myself.


Week 10 – Colton Black

This week was pretty slow for me. My boss has been super busy with the trucking, but there hasn’t been a lot for me to do. I spent most of the week doing odd jobs around the farm like mowing weeds and fixing the driveways. We also went to a truck pull on Friday. Really enjoyed my time at Rievert Farms and will miss working with everyone here. For some reason the blog site wont let me upload a photo, so this weeks photos will be in the google folder only.

Week 10- Alexandria Blanchard

I cannot believe my internship is coming to an end this week. It has absolutely flown by and I will greatly miss it, especially all the people I’ve met. At the beginning of the week I worked on my capstone presentation in the Launch Pad room here at Farm Bureau with my intern friends. I love working in this room because I can do my work on a bean bag with friends rather than a boring office chair and desk. I also virtually met with Farm Bureau’s design team to design a post card to send out for prospecting. My presentation is Thursday (today), I have my slideshow done so I am feeling prepared.

Sarah Votta week 9

This week was another week of not much going on. With it being the beginning of the month we received over 800 legal invoices in about two days. We again will have until the end of this month to complete all of those. This has been one of the largest months of invoices the department has received so it’s all hands on deck. I was able to spend a few hours working on my capstone presentation for the companies executive board that I will present at the end of next week. Overall a great week but not the most interesting.


Week 9- PepsiCo Frito Lay

Interesting happenings during the week, situations or tasks encountered during the internship.

This week we got to all drive to Michigan and finally meet all of the other interns in Detroit Michigan and present everything we’ve worked on this summer. This was a huge deal as we presented to Rachel Hobbs who is the the zone president. I was super nervous but after they talked to us and put on music and just made the whole environment comfortable, I felt like I could truly be myself while presenting. They provided us jimmy johns for lunch with lots to drink, candy, and of course many different Frito Lay chips. After we presented, we then got to go downtown Detroit to eat at the Buddy’s pizza. This was a great time for us to network with the leaders and other interns. After this we headed back to the hotel and went swimming and hung out with all the other interns. This was super cool being to make these connections that will continue even after the internship just because we all got to experience this together. The next day we then headed home for our last day, which was Friday, we returned out laptops and said our goodbyes to everyone.

Interesting new learning’s during the week, situations or tasks encountered during the internship 

It was interesting to get to talk to the leaders after our presentation and hear how they got to where they are now and the challenges that they faced. We got to hear a lot from Rachel of what it’s like to be a female leader and how she handles things which was great for future leaders like us. It was funny because she had asked us our opinions on why they flamming hot lime Cheetos don’t really move as well and we all looked at her with no hesitation saying that they just aren’t good. She took it very well and said she appreciated our honesty and will make sure to let the people in charge of new innovation products like that know our thoughts.

Interesting industry news or happenings that are relevant to the industry sector the student is working in 

This week I unfortunately had to hear the news that I wont be getting offered a full time job offer, at first I was really upset until I talked to my mentor and he told me that I can’t get offered because they have a policy that you have to be graduating before August of 2024 to even be considers which I wont be. They did let me know that if in the future I did want to work there in that position I would have to re apply closer to when I am graduating.

Career related articles pertaining to the industry you are working in  Pictures/photos of work-related activities with a description.

Networking with the other interns!

Adam Baker – Week 9

This week was another busy week at Sunnyside Farms. Most of the week I was hauling manure to spread on straw fields that we harvested. I learned a lot about the techniques of spreading certain parts of the field and abiding by the laws of spreading manure in the state of New York. Later in the week, I spent most of my time stacking the bales of the straw we harvested. This straw is stored in barns and used for bedding in the calf barn as well as feed for the dry cows.

Here is a picture of the barn I was stacking the large square bales in. We were able to fit around 400 bales in this barn and ended up baling nearly 1000 bales. This should give the farm enough straw to use until next year. I am excited for next week because we will be spreading more manure on the fields we bailed and learning the procedures of spreading manure was one of my learning objectives. I can’t believe this is my last week in New York. This internship has went by so fast and I couldn’t have asked for a better company to work for!