Week 4 – Nicholas Bowers

This week was a very long week. It started off incredibly fast with lots of different problems from production lines having parts missing/out-of-sock and many call offs that had me and my supervisor running around trying to help everyone. However, because of all the call offs I got to learn how the plant operates from a more hands-on approach. I spent some time in our receiving department where I helped unload shipments and then place these materials into the storeroom, I helped shipping where I got to learn how products go from the production line to the customer, and I even spent time helping warehouse where I got to learn all the different moving parts that is not a production line. While this was an off week for me it was really fascinating to gain this deeper knowledge of the plant because I feel I can now plan my own production lines better knowing everything that it takes to ensure it has its material and how the finished products go to the customer. On Thursday, I was able to complete my final draft of our new storeroom for all of our molding equipment. This draft will help the warehouse associates tear down the old storeroom and set up the new one with the plans I created.

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